Thursday, November 30, 2017

Condemning the Enablers

One reason the insult comedian continues his tired act in the oval office is the many staffers in the White House who excuse the lies, and defend the indefensible tweets and moronic statements propagated on a daily basis by this *president.   Chief  among them is the press secretary, the loathsome Sarah Huckabee Sanders, aka the spawn of Huck.   While it is uncharitable to criticize her appearance, an occasional smile might lend a little humanity to a visage only a mother could love.  However, her blind devotion to the demented head of state she serves is the real reason for disapproval.  After being questioned as to how the *president could retweet an obviously doctored video showing a dutch boy being beaten by a muslim, which was subsequently denounced by the British PM, all she could say was whether the video was true or not, the problem of muslim terrorism is point tRump was making.  How any self respecting human being could go before the national press and make that argument is beyond my understanding.  Enabling the racist, islamophobic impulses boiling out of this administration is something she should answer for when the entire rotten edifice crumbles.  Like Ron Zeigler, the press flack for Tricky Dick, Sanders will go down in history as a poor joke of a human being.

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