Friday, July 8, 2016

Roosting chickens

The cold blooded murder of 5 police officers in Dallas yesterday following the apparent murder of black men at the hands of police in Louisiana and Minnesota is tragic.  It also highlights the proliferation of armed citizens and the response of police.  As usual, if you are a black man in America and you have a gun, police assume it is for illegal purposes and will use deadly force at the slightest provocation or as in the case of the man in St. Paul, no provocation at all.  This is the world bequeathed to us by the NRA and its enablers.  The murder of police by snipers in Dallas can be looked upon as a by product of frustration in the black community of failure to hold police accountable for numerous shootings and/or killings of black men and women by officers.  Unless and until society confronts the obvious racism involved in these confrontations it will be difficult to solve the problem.  Thanks to the NRA and firearm availability, the situation will get worse  before it gets better.

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