Thursday, July 28, 2016

Midsummer gardening

It was warm in the garden last evening.   The heat of the day was gone, but lingering humidity made it feel like 90.  The rain from last Friday night and Saturday is gone from the top couple of inches of soil, so it was a weed killing night.  It is hard to stay ahead of unwanted vegetation at this point of the season.  Weeds are growing several inches per day with plenty of moisture and fertility.  What looked manageable a few days ago is now a daunting task.  Meanwhile,  succession plantings need to be made and transplanting also continues.  I'm sure the local raccoon population is eyeing the sweet corn as it will be ready in a week or so.  I stayed with the program until dark, which is coming more quickly now as we get farther from the summer solstice.  It remains light enough for weeding large plantings until 8:40, but we lose a minute or two every day.  That means a full day on Saturday and again on Sunday.   Fortunately, I was able to watch the prime of the Democratic convention between 9 and 11 p.m.  I am always amazed at President Obama's ability to inspire with his vision of an America we all hope we live in.   He contrasted his abiding optimism with the dark dystopia of Trumpworld in a way no one else could.   I hope he was doing more than preaching to the choir.

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