Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Filling in the garden

It's the middle of July and the garden is getting uncomfortably full.  The long duration crops like tomatoes, peppers, Brussels sprouts and corn will occupy their spaces until frost or freeze decimates them.  Beets, carrots, lettuce and the rest of the brassicas are emptying their spaces in the early garden, but the big empty spots where lots of transplants can go in a pinch are gone.  From now on, I'll have to plant into wherever I can find room.  This increases the amount of time and effort to plant, water and weed.  Fortunately, in a couple of more weeks we'll be down to lettuce and a few minor seedings of late crops like fennel and turnips.  In the meantime, I'll have to move around the gardens and keep planting for Sept. and Oct. harvests.  

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