Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Presidential Dreams

After listening to Bill Clinton's speech at the convention last night followed by Hillary's video appearance, it occurred to me that in the not too distant future, it won't be a big deal to have a female president of these United States.  Hillary may have been discounting the cultural zeitgeist by telling the little girls whose parents let them stay up late to watch her nomination that she may be the first woman president, but one of them may be next.  I think it will happen again in my own lifetime.  Bill did a very nice job of humanizing Hillary, although it would take a tidal wave of oratory to wash away 30 plus years of republican mud and poo slinging at both he and his wife.  Even young democrats are suffering from Clinton fatigue or the after effects of derangement syndrome.  She may be damaged goods, but like the hero in a blockbuster summer movie, she takes the worst the villains can dish out and keeps getting back up for more.  There is no better role model for young girls today.

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