Friday, July 1, 2016

A July to remember

The garden is in the best shape I've seen in years.  The extended dry spell kept weeds under control and the underlying moisture allowed the early plantings to continue to grow.   Aside from a few failures to germinate, most plantings have emerged successfully and the recent rain, with more coming today should set things up for the coming warm weather.  Considering last year's swamp after 5 inches of rain in June, I'll probably have more production in August this year than last.  Of course the weather can change in a heartbeat, but at least July is starting on a high note.  The Presidential campaigns on the other hand are already under the low bar of previous contests.  Especially The Donald's run for the roses.  He is seemingly without anyone who can tone down the relentless racist, misogynistic rants which fire up his rallies, but leave most of the voters who are paying attention appalled that a major party could nominate someone so self evidently unprepared for the job.  The opposition researchers on the Democratic side are probably falling down laughing as the mainstream media does their job for them.  Trump University, now the precursor, the Trump Institute are showing the "Art of the Steal", the scams which Trump himself associated his name with.   Now, clips of him bragging about the jobs he created in Bangladesh at the expense of American workers will be running in campaign spots throughout the summer, giving the lie to his pledge to bring jobs back to this country.  It will certainly be a July to remember.

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