Thursday, October 1, 2015

Truth in government

Not to be outdone by the clowns in the republican presidential nomination car, Kevin Mcarthy let the truth be known regarding the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  Bragging on his qualifications to succeed John Boehner as House Speaker, he told Sean Hannity that he and others in the Republican leadership orchestrated the formation of the committee to attack Hillary Clinton and bring down her poll numbers.  This committee has already lasted longer than the Watergate or 9/11 investigations and follows numerous other probes of the tragedy at Benghazi.   None of them ever uncovered any official wrongdoing concerning the loss of life at the consulate, but the repubs have been using it as a fundraising opportunity and a club to bash Clinton's actions as Secretary of State.  It looks like Mcarthy will be a welcome respite from Boehner's humorless tenure as Speaker.  I foresee many future examples of inadvertent truth telling and foot in mouth moments.  Let the show begin.

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