Friday, October 23, 2015

Republicans' Benghazi fetish

I truly doubt 1 in 10 Americans could find Libya on a map, let alone the city of Benghazi.  That won't stop Republicans from trying to tie Hillary Clinton's Presidential bid to this dusty outpost in a country of chaos.  They grilled the former Secretary of State for 8 hours yesterday and only succeeded in making her look more Presidential than anyone in the Clown Car on the other side.  In boxing parlance, they landed a few glancing blows, but they never bloodied a calm, unruffled Ms. Clinton.  What the Benghazi committee will do next is anyone's guess.  Having spent more time and money on investigating the deaths of 4 Americans than Congress spent on the 9/11 investigation,  and branded by one of their own as a partisan operation, one would hope Trey Gowdy and his merry men will slink back to their burrows.  Unfortunately for them, this travesty will probably continue to play out and instead of damaging Clinton, it will become fodder for Democratic fundraising and commercials leading up to the 2016 elections.

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