Friday, October 9, 2015

The republican circus

Having dispatched John Boehner to a blissful life of golf and lobbying, the republican caucus in the House decided his chosen successor, Kevin McCarthy was a little too honest to front the GOP and thereby found themselves on the horns of a dilemma.  Now, no one wants to ride herd on the fractious cats which make up today's republican party, especially the far right wing crazies, so they may be stuck with Boehner as the only man who can steer the leaky ship through the next few months of high stakes negotiations with the Obama administration.  The beltway media hails Paul Ryan as the only man who can take Boehner's place, but Ryan has already figured out his ambitions to run for president someday would take a fatal hit if he grabs the third rail of the speakership.  Of course, the last time this particular circus came to town, the house leadership chose the relatively unknown Dennis Hastert to be speaker and he delivered the modicum of leadership necessary to keep things moving.  Now, the leadership is in disarray and the few candidates who have announced are horrifically under qualified for the job.  Hopefully the House can at least do the minimum necessary to keep the nation running until the next election, when, hopefully the people will elect grownups to conduct our business instead of a bunch of flying monkeys.

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