Thursday, October 8, 2015

Still feeling the Bern

I am still conflicted about the Democratic party's potential nominees.  As in 2007, I liked Hillary at the start of the campaign, but switched to Obama because I felt he would hew to the traditional values I cherish as a democrat (big and small D).  I'm starting to feel the same way about the present contest.  I still like Hillary and would be happy to vote for her as the first woman president.  She would also provide the added bonus of Bill Clinton as the first First Gentleman.  It would be a formidable team.  Bernie on the other hand appeals to the radical wonk in me.  He is advocating a bloodless revolution which will empower the working and middle classes at the expense of the 1%.  By building a grass roots movement of millions of small donors, he is giving us a stake in the government and our participation in the governing process.  He even appeals to republicans who finally figured out their party is only interested in their votes, not their concerns.  That, unfortunately is what bothers me about the institutional Democratic party.  It is nearly equally beholden to the 1% as the republicans and its chosen nominee, Hillary, Biden, or some other establishment figure will find it hard to cut the strings controlling them.  I have no such concerns regarding Sanders.  If he was 20 years younger, I would already have signed up to work for him.

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