Friday, October 2, 2015

Shoot, rrinse, repeat

Yesterday, ten more people died on the altar of the NRA's obsession with guns.   A visibly angry President asked how 90% of the population is in favor of rudimentary gun control legislation that can't seem to clear Congress.  How is it that literally thousands of people die from gun violence every year in this country while the figures are tiny fractions of that in every other industrialized country in the world.  A tiny minority with outsize power is  holding us hostage to a vampire industry of gun manufacturers and sellers.  With the NRA as its mouthpiece, this gun industrial complex is culpable for many if not most of gun deaths in the US because of its intransigent opposition to any checks on the distribution and sale of firearms.  While background checks of potential purchasers is a starting point, the ultimate goal should be the licensing of every gun owner in the country, the same as licensing every motor vehicle operator.   We don't allow demonstrably crazy people to drive.  They should not have access to guns either.

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