Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The best month of all

At least in gardening terms, October is the best month of all.  The investment of time, money and effort is paying dividends, as everything from carrots to zucchini is available for consumption and no additional time or work is required except the actual harvest.  The first half of the month looks extremely clement with temps predicted to range from theupper 30s to the upper 60s.  The cauliflower, broccoli, nappa and bok choy will continue to grow, as will the lettuce.   The farmer's market is pretty much history, so much of what is out there will not be harvested except for what friends, family and the local co-op can use.  If I have the time, there is housekeeping to be done and compost to spread, but if not, the world won't end.  The only pressing task is to plant next year's garlic crop before the Divine Mrs. M and I leave for Italy at the end of the month.  In the meantime, I'll bask in the glow of a season with ups and downs but finishing on a high note.

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