Wednesday, October 28, 2015

More Republican Follies

The Clown Car stops in Boulder, Col. tonight and a full complement of crazy can be expected.  With Ben Carson leading the polls, expect The Donald and the rest to hammer some of Carson's crazier ideas, such as ending Medicare and Medicaid and his various slavery metaphors, but as long as the good doctor keeps his cool, he will remain the Flavor of the Month among the base.   The paradox of Carson's candidacy is his typical supporter benefits from most of the programs he has vowed to cut.  Indeed, most of the base of the party are unabashed socialists, many collecting government pensions and social security.   The other thing about Carson's popularity which puzzles me is his support from otherwise racist and misogonyst elements of the base.   I guess his rants against his fellow African-Americans cause otherwise racists to overlook his skin color.   Herman Cain in 2012 followed much the same script.  It remains to be seen if Carson can improve on Cain's performance.  The rest of the candidates can be counted on to do anything possible to drag him down.  Get out the popcorn and settle in for a laugher.

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