Sunday, October 19, 2014

This and that

I am presently sitting in the Phoenix airport waiting for the redeye connection to Philly.  Not my idea of fun on a Sunday evening.  I started this journey in Anaheim and will hit three airports by 9:30 a.m. Monday.  That will be followed by a 2 hour drive to Casa Monzeglio from Albany.    As Danny Glover observed to Mel Gibson , "I'm too old for this %$##@.  I am musing about the carbon footprint I am leaving on this cross country extravaganza.  It will probably wipe out all of my conservation efforts for the year.  It would be instructive for my fellow travelers if the carbon load each trip puts on the world was listed on each airline ticket.  If the government charged the appropriate carbon tax to remediate  the damage to the environment, most airports would become mausoleums overnight.  At least until fleets of vastly more efficient jets enable reasonably priced travel to resume.  Our modern society depends on cheap travel to function, but we have not yet priced in the continued burning of huge amounts of fossil fuel to the equation. 

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