Thursday, October 9, 2014

Life goes on

Driving into work this morning I experienced a frisson of fear listening to reports of the spread of the ebola virus.  With a 50% fatality rate, it is as near to a death sentence as you can get.  Until recently, the disease was something "those people" had to deal with.   Now it is something the rest of the world must reckon with.  Since two of my daughters are nurses, I am even more concerned than most.  Trying to diagnose masses of people traveling internationally is probably harder than herding cats, so in the long run the entire world will be dealing with ebola.  In the meantime, life continues to happen and aside from that jolt this morning, I'll continue to do my thing unless/until the virus gets measurably closer to the NCR.  The Divine Mrs. M is attending a confab of Jane Austen devotees in Montreal.  All I can say is to each, his own.  I'd rather play golf....

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