Friday, October 3, 2014

Better weather

It looks like we will finally get the soaking rain I have been looking for this Saturday.  Being a glass half full kind of gardener, I'll say it is a little late, since the fall crops can't take full advantage of this bonanza due to short days and cooler temps, but the spinach, cauliflower and broccoli will gain from the moisture.  Even the last of the summer squash and lettuce should mature before the farmers' market ends next week.   If we had not had the couple of frosty nights two weeks ago it would still feel like midsummer here on the NCR.  Except of course that it gets light later and dark earlier.  October is still my favorite month in the garden.  Very little weeding and diseases, no planting and plenty of harvesting.  It almost makes you forget the Chinese fire drill of the previous 5 months.  But not quite.  Next year will be the year of the cutback.... I'm pretty sure.

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