Friday, October 10, 2014

Be Afraid

That's the message the Republicans are peddling in the runup to the 2014 midterm elections.  The narco-islamo-Marxist-Kenyan-ebola carrying terrorists are coming for you.   Hide under your beds and vote Republican.   The world is a scary place and we need to secure our borders, bomb anyone who crosses us, especially if they are brown or black and restrict our own civil rights in the name of some elusive security.  How did it come to this?  When I was growing up, the GOP was the swaggering, macho man party.  Democrats were wimps and appeasers.  Now, Republicans are wetting their beds over terrorists and suggesting the Dems are naïve regarding the threat to "our way of life".  As far as I'm concerned, the biggest threat to America is the cowardice being encouraged by a deranged political party which has nothing to offer but fear and hate.  I hope the country I know and love roundly rejects this prescription and votes for courage and love.  I'll sleep a lot more easily at night knowing adults are in control.

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