Friday, October 24, 2014

The pull of cynisism

With the mid term elections just two weeks away, it is easy to give into the despair of anything good coming about as a result of this exercise of democracy.  Paul Krugman of the NYT is upset by the plutocrats pouring money into the system to generate the results they want.  Another columnist, Tim Egan feels the Supreme Court is to blame for this travesty.  Unfortunately, as others have pointed out, people get the government they deserve.  Low information and uninvolved voters have helped bring about this situation also.  I have spoken to people who consider it a badge of honor that they have never voted.  They blame the situation we are in on everyone but the person staring back from the mirror every morning.  Although it will never happen here, compulsory voting on the Australian model is one way to boost participation.  The other is for the unwashed masses to finally take back their democracy before it is irrevocably gone.  Oh, wait....

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