Thursday, October 2, 2014


It seems everyone should be happy now that the head of the secret service fell on her sword and resigned in the wake of numerous incidents where the safety of the President or the security of the White House were compromised.  I doubt very much the situation will change much, especially since the disgraced director was on duty for barely more than a year.  That is time enough to change the carpet in the office, but certainly not the culture which condoned the "wheels up, rings off", motto of agents assigned to foreign destinations to protect the President.  Or the lax security on the White House grounds.  This is an ingrained problem developed over many years.  It will probably take many years to change, and it will take many more resignations and firings among middle and upper management positions to accomplish that change.  Will the new director have the stomach for it?   Probably not if he or she is a veteran of the service.

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