Thursday, October 23, 2014

A contrast of cultures

Living as I do on the northern border of the US and having close contact with Canadians on a regular basis, the similarities between us and our neighbors are striking, but so are the differences.  For one thing, Canadians do not suffer from the delusion they are the exceptional people on the planet.  This attitude breeds a tolerance for difference which Americans could emulate to our benefit.  The other major difference is Canadians' reaction to crisis.  Within two days, two soldiers were killed by homegrown terrorists and the Parliament building came under gunfire.  If these things had happened in New York and D.C., America would probably be under martial law with mandatory curfews and soldiers patrolling the streets with live ammunition in their guns and orders to shoot first and ask questions later.  The lack of hysteria and calls for reflection and calm in the wake of these attacks in Montreal and Ottawa is admirable.  Of course the lack of a Republican party has something to do with this equanimity.  I won't be surprised if our American chicken littles start calling for Canada to lock down the border and get control of it's terrorists. 

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