Monday, August 4, 2014

Tea bag follies

While this blog does not have a huge following, occasionally I hit a nerve among those who peruse my scribblings.  In particular my reference to tea baggers provoked a comment about "classy libs".  When I refer to tea bag republicans, I don't think of the scatological version of the term, but the image of middle age and older men and women with teabags stapled to their hats, trying  to act like latter day tea party patriots at Boston Harbor.  In particular, the stupidity of protestors who want Uncle Sam to "keep his hands off my medicare".  Of course, medicare is perhaps one of the most successful government programs for seniors.  In the Republican view of the future, many people who now collect government benefits negotiated by strong unions (yes, I'm talking about you Kevin) would be reduced to beggary, since we obviously can't afford to take care of union workers.  As I see it, one of the main functions of government is to level the playing field between labor and capital.  Encouraging unions and enforcing the laws on the books are two ways to do this.  The other is to directly or indirectly transfer wealth from the fortunate who have had opportunity to those who through no fault of their own were born into families with little means to get ahead.  Those of you who feel differently should look at the payer of the checks you are cashing before yelping about "socialism".  Nuff said.

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