Thursday, August 28, 2014

Post Racial Racism

Without even reading the columns themselves, the titles of Nicholas Kristof's and Charles Blow's articles in today's NYT offer affirmation of my own speculation regarding racism in the US.  White privilege over the course of centuries is so ingrained that people like Bill O'Reilly refuse to acknowledge the built-in bias which allows them to slide through life on rails greased by prejudice.  Meanwhile, on the black side of the equation, the same centuries of injustice have caused an underlying hatred of whites which bubbles to the surface after such egregious incidents as the killing of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson Mo. two weeks ago.  The refusal of white America to confront the institutionalized nature of racism would seem to doom any possibility of comity between the races.  I think the passing of each generation is breaking down the barriers, but the final solution will be the reduction of white America to a minority group in the near future as migration of large numbers of brown people changes us to a truly multi-racial society.

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