Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Late summer surge

Finally, a week of sunshine and warm temps will hasten maturity on many lagging crops.  the winter squash has had a tough time of it as well as my later plantings of corn.  Both were planted on a section of the garden with heavier clay soil which has been too wet for most of the summer.  Coupled with cooler than normal temps and cloudy days, it has been hard for these crops and the sweet potatoes in the same area.  The warm, dry regime will help, if powdery mildew doesn't get to the plants.  The early blight in tomatoes is advancing and the cool nights and heavy dew isn't helping on that front.  What fruit is on the plants will continue to ripen, but  blossoming has virtually stopped and the smaller fruit will probably never size up.  The cole crops continue to look good and I continue to plant spinach for our own use.  Anything planted now will mature long after the farmer's market is a hazy memory. 

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