Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A sad day for the rest of us

The world is a distinctly less funny place this morning.  Robin Williams' passing is cause for reflection on humor and the toll it seems to take on its brightest stars.  As he was only a little older than me, his career arc coincided with my own.  I thought Mork and Mindy was a flash in the pan and I really didn't appreciate the madcap humor he spewed so effortlessly.  To me, his turn as a disc jockey in "Good Morning Vietnam" is his signature role.  It illustrated both the humor and the pathos he was able to bring to a role.  To my daughters, he will always be remembered as the big, blue  genie in "Aladdin".   His multiple personality riffs appealed to the parents, while the lovable personality engaged the children.   For all the laughs, he must have been crying on the inside, a Pagliacci among clowns.  If there is a hereafter, I hope he is keeping a new audience in stitches. R.I.P Mr. Williams.

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