Monday, August 11, 2014

Another blurry weekend

Harvesting, planting, weeding and watering are getting very old.  The tomatoes have finally started to mature, but early blight is stealing up the vines, so the vines don't look nearly as nice as they did a couple of weeks ago.  Applying triage tactics to the garden means weeding only the younger plantings.  The onions which looked so nice several weeks ago have matured, but the crop is overrun with galinsoga, so the harvest will be like playing hide and seek.  The second planting of corn is maturing, but will the skunks and raccoons wait and let me get a few ears or will they just ravage the whole planting several nights before the ears fill out?  Heavy rain is predicted for later this week which in a dry year would be welcome.  This year, not so much.  At least we had a chance to dry out a little before the latest onslaught.  I wish there was some philosophical thought to add to today's ramblings, but frankly, I'm too tired and behind to think of something pithy to say.

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