Thursday, May 1, 2014

Vanishing spring

More rain and temps in the 40s this morning.   It doesn't feel like May.   While there is still time to make up for the slow start to the farming season, the press of business will become greater as time passes.  Even 18 hr. days will not suffice to get everything planted in a timely fashion.  So choices will have to be made.  Transplant the flowers or get the corn in.  Should I even bother with the sweet potato transplants or will time run out before they mature.  For the commercial growers, the stakes are higher.  Planting extra lettuce because the land is available may be a foolish gamble if everyone does it.  Harvesting lettuce for $2.00/box is not a happy thought.  Planting onions, carrots or other storage crops is an option, but if too many people do the same thing it could lead to a winter of discontent.  Decisions will have to be made soon, and Mother Nature is not making it easier for anyone.

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