Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Time to build the Ark

A new report from Antarctica predicts the imminent demise of the west Antarctic ice sheet.  This complex of glaciers  sits on a depressed bowl beneath sea level.  As warm water upwells beneath the ice it will slide into the sea at a faster pace.  Although it is thought to be irreversible at this point, it will probably take several centuries before it all melts with a resulting sea level rise of 4 to 12 feet.  That much water will make most coastal cities around the world uninhabitable.  The melting of the Greenland ice cap is also proceeding.  That will make the devastation even greater.  The other climate change we are all experiencing now is the frequent heavy deluges of rain.  Many farmers I know have said over the past few years that heavy rains are now the rule, rather than the exception.  Where we once had gentle spring rains in the northeast, we now have torrential downpours.  These heavy rains increase erosion, overwhelm storm drains and beat down crops.  Many growers are starting to rethink the kinds of crops they will plant and the kind of land that can handle the greater rainfall.   Meanwhile, the climate deniers will probably be the first onto the lifeboats when they finally admit man made climate change is reality.   Of course, they will probably blame it  on Benghazi.

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