Thursday, May 22, 2014

Feeding the mosquitoes

I spent last evening developing resistance to mosquito bites.  The little bloodsuckers were swarming as I transplanted several hundred onion seedlings, but remarkably I was bitten only occasionally.  As I have mansplained to the Divine Mrs. M, obviously there is something in my blood mosquitoes find distasteful.  Nonetheless, it is no fun to inhale them as you try to work.  Finished as the light failed at 9 p.m. and retreated to the house, just in time to hear more about the latest V.A. scandal.  Like any bureaucracy, the V.A. is going to try to appear in the best light.  Having been married to a dedicated Federal worker, I have heard countless horror stories of budget cuts, increased pressure to do more with less and harassment of workers who try to serve the public with care and dedication.   I have no doubt the investigation will turn up memos from mid level managers asking for more resources, specifically more people to deal with the increased caseloads of returning veterans.  I will also bet their requests were turned down due to budgetary pressure.  Congress is probably willing to throw more money to the V.A., but will not approve additional hires.  The congressmen who are demanding accountability should be looking in the mirror.

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