Monday, May 12, 2014

Change and Climate deniers

Marco Rubio  appeared on one of the Sunday shows to enhance his stature with the crazy wing of the GOP in the runup to the 2016 Presidential derby.  Specifically, he denied the science of climate change, saying he didn't agree with scientific assessments of the pace at which the weather is affecting the world.  While I didn't see the interview, the précis I did hear confirms my belief the republicans are bereft of leadership and have ceded control of their party to the latest iteration of the know-nothings.  It is a scary thought that one of the two major political parties is now out of control and is a breeding ground for the fever dreams of a minority who feel disenfranchised by the knowledge economy which is leaving them further and further behind.  Feeding on the propaganda of the NRA, the anti immigrant and science hating groups, these people will vote against their own best interests if they perceive liberals getting a black eye in the process.  Since we all know facts have an inherent liberal bias, these folks must fall back to the position of total ignorance.  Thus Rubio's fact free assertion of dissent.   On the gardening front, the weather has taken a positive turn toward summer and seeding, weeding and transplanting are the orders of the day--every day from now on.

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