Friday, May 23, 2014

Big brother redux

The renewed bi-partisan agreement that we need to rein in the NSA looks like a classic case of too little, too late.  In the aftermath of 9-11, Congress ceded virtually all of its oversight functions to the executive branch as it looked for a way to appear patriotic and at the same time avoid the time consuming and potentially politically unpopular actions which are a necessary adjunct to democracy.   Letting terrorists walk was anathema to both parties, so they decided to let Bush, Cheney and company drag what was left of America's reputation through the muck of Abu Ghraib and the rendition and torture gambits.  Little recognized at the time was that infamous administrations bulk collection of virtually all of out private conversations.  Done under the guise of anti-terrorism, we have snooped through ordinary people's affairs as well as those of foreign companies and heads of state.   So far, all of this B&E has not proven to have stopped any terrorists, but has inflamed the populations of many nations against us.  Of course, most of us are constantly being snooped by private companies who use our information to sell us everything from breakfast cereal to cars.  We have little expectation of privacy, but now it seems we have none.  Can we put the genie back in the bottle? 

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