Thursday, May 15, 2014

The whiff of desperation

The pundits were all agog at the temerity of Karl Rove to plant the "brain damage" meme regarding Hilary's candidacy.  Right leaning media types quietly applauded his audacity, while lefties decried the obvious stupidity of the attack.  Surely, he has started a conversation.  Unfortunately for him, it will be carried on mostly in the fever swamps of Republican imagination.  The same believers who would repeat tales of lesbian (or alien) lovers, the murder of Vince Foster (who was he anyway) and of course, BENGHAZI will happily speculate on the loss of Ms. Clinton's biggest asset.  Since she has appeared at multiple speaking opportunities and delivered without drooling on her notes, it would seem the whole argument will fall flat with the thinking members of the electorate.  The very fact her first name is all she needs for identification is enough to make the Rove's of the GOP apoplectic.  Her approval ratings will survive virtually any attack and since the opposition have run out of plausible memes it is time to scrape the bottom of the barrel (what about that alien lover).   The simple fact is if she chooses to run, the only person who can beat her is herself.  That is Rove's nightmare.

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