Monday, August 19, 2013

Warming trend

It began to feel like August this past weekend.  The temperatures at least came close to the 80 degree mark for the first time in several weeks.  A welcome thundershower Friday evening provided enough moisture to keep things growing.  Made some more lettuce plantings on Saturday along with kale and kohlrabi.  I have 4 more lettuce seedings to transplant, which if the weather cooperates will take me all the way to November.  I have continued to plant spinach with the seedings getting closer together as the days shorten.  As I wrote to a friend, this has been one of the most challenging gardening seasons I have experienced in over 30 years of getting my hands in the dirt.  I wonder how many people will give up their backyard plots after this season.  It makes sense to spend time and money on gardening if you get a return on your investment.  To put seeds in the ground and get relentless rain and/or searing heat and drought is more than many of us want to experience.  The wired generation has by and large given up the idea of gardening and many of my generation are getting tired or fighting the wild swings of weather.  Climate change will make us more and more dependent on commercial growers who are also under increasing pressure from weather. 

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