Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Here we go again

As the media and political pressure mounts for some sort of retaliatory strike against Syria, I hope the president ponders the words of Martin Luther King who spoke in Washington 50 years ago today.  King never avoided confrontations, but usually defused them before violence broke out.  What if blacks had confronted Bull Connors and his police dogs and water cannons with AK-47s.  I can't think the Civil Rights movement would have been advanced.   The Arab League condemned Syria, but won't condone an attack on the country.  Israel is caught in the middle and would likely be attacked by the Syrians which would draw the Arabs in on their side if the Israelis retaliated, which they would certainly do.  The best thing we can do is let the  U. N. weapons inspectors do their job.  If they find evidence the Syrians used nerve agents, then let's lead a coalition in the U.N. for a worldwide condemnation of Syria and for a U.N. force to bring peace to Syria.  I think that is what Dr. King might have proposed.  Let's hope we have grown enough in the past 50 years to live up to his legacy.

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