Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Time and Temperature

Although it is still early in August, many growers are running out of time as temperatures stay cool here in the North Country.  Many acres of field corn and soybeans which were planted late will never mature with the cooler temps.  On the veg side, peppers, tomatoes, cukes and squash are at a standstill as night temps hover in the low 50s.  On top of that, Mother Nature seems to have turned off the faucet and fields have gone from muddy to pavement hard.    Late planted crops like carrots, beets and fall greens need a drink and I refuse to wish for rain.  We are supposed to get some showers later this week, but if recent experience is a guide, they will be spotty and unreliable.  Trudging up and down beds dragging a hose is no fun, and while it is not a waste of time, there are many things I would rather be doing.  The wild ride continues....

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