Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Image as reality

The Republicans have every right to be afraid of the Hillary Clinton biopic being produced by NBC.  Much as Helen Mirren made Queen Elizabeth a more human, likeable person and perhaps saved the monarchy by her portrayal in "The Queen", Diane Lane could well put Hilary over the top in the Presidential sweepstakes.  While Ms. Lane is past the sex appeal she exuded in many of her early films, she is still a very beautiful woman.  Most of us tend to see the screen as at least an approximation of reality and Ms. Clinton will get a serious dose of star power from Ms. Lane's turn.  I'm sure the team around the erstwhile presidential candidate will whip her into shape and try to glam her up to movie star standards.  With unlimited money virtually anything is possible.  The hedge in the last statement is there because even a tidal wave of cash could not transform Sarah Palin into a credible national candidate.

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