Wednesday, August 14, 2013

daylight on the wane

While feeding the local mosquitoes as I watered yet another planting of fall spinach, I noticed it was getting pretty dark at 8:15 p.m. last evening.  I was regularly staying outside for an hour longer during late June to mid July.  It always comes as a shock when I realize the summer is on borrowed time and fall is just around the corner.  Of course, the temperatures we are experiencing now would make you think we have already reached the autumnal equinox, but we still have over a month to go.  The only thing still growing strongly right now is spinach and weeds.  And the weeds don't have a damping off problem.   I guess I'll have to root for a long warm fall with just enough rain to keep things growing at optimum rates.  I'll have another dose of that hallucinogen also.

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