Friday, August 30, 2013

Foreign Policy Stupidity

Maybe most of us are just tired of the US acting as the world's policeman, but there seems to be little public appetite for blowing up real estate in Syria as retaliation for the regime's use of chemical weapons against their own people.   Thanks to the system set up by the US after world war 2, the UN is basically  a toothless tiger when it comes to the policing department.  Russia will use its veto to hamstring any action by the Security Council.  This power was supposed to be used by the US and its allies to keep the world "safe".   Thanks to the Cold War and its legacy, this little loophole has drastically reduced the role of the UN to enforce penalties for use of WMD.  Also thanks to xenophobic US foreign policy, we will not suffer the UN to dictate our actions in any given situation.  So now we are stuck as lone actors in a deteriorating situation which has little to do with our national interest.  If we strike the Assad regime, the arabs will probably come down on his side and the Iranians will be faced with a put up or shut up moment vis-à-vis Israel.  The whole episode could spiral out of control and for what.  We blow up a few radar installations because we can't allow any of our servicemen to be killed and then have to deal with the  fallout listed above.  Can't we ever learn?

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