Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The One Percent Solution

Matt Damon's latest diatribe against the social stratification of America, Elysium is giving Rush Limbaugh heartburn.   The plot of this sci-fi thriller is based on the exodus of the planet's wealthiest 1% to an orbital habitat, leaving the rest of the population to eke out an existence on the miserably overcrowded and resource depleted planet.  Sounds a little like Detroit and its outer ring of hyper wealthy white suburbs, eh.   The bad guys are of course caricatures of real people, some of whom, presumably feel some empathy with their fellow humans.  Of course, Damon saves the day for the rest of us, but I felt somewhat deflated when I left the theater.  The too little, too late band aid being applied at the end of the picture was unsatisfying.  The clear message is we are playing a zero sum game and someone or some group has to lose.  Why not everyone be a winner?  That would really throw Rush for a loop!

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