Friday, December 14, 2012

Suffer the little children to come unto me

The tragedy in Conneticut today makes me wish I believed in heaven and hell.  Heaven for the children killed as innocents in a morality play and hell for the coward who killed himself instead of face the horrific consequences of his crime.  The commenters will make pious noises about the tragedy and after a day or two Sandy Hook Elementary will recede from the national psyche, leaving the families to cope with their unspeakable loss.  That makes how many massacres in America this year.  We are so worried about terrorists sneaking into the country, yet we seem to be nuturing a home grown crop of mindless haters armed to the teeth and willing to die as they live out their sick fantasies.  When will we usher the NRA and its allies into a padded cell and proceed to have an adult discussion about guns and the violence they beget.  Some idiots have already suggested the whole thing could have been prevented if only the teachers were packing heat.  This B.S. should be treated with the scorn it so richly deserves.  Meanwhile, my heart goes out to the survivors.  They should get all the help they need, paid for by the manufacturers of the guns used today.

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