Thursday, December 13, 2012

hard sledding

An old New England aphorism extols the virtues of winter and describes summer as "six weeks of hard sledding".  Well, according to a NYT article on the effects of global warming on the ski industry, the sledding will get progressively harder in years to come.  The author says if current trends continue, by the end of the century, the ski industry will be less than 25% of its current size.  Of New York's 36 resorts, only 9 will still be able to maintain a 100 day season.  It is not explicitly stated, but that seems to be the break point for economic viability.  Here on the NCR, I was able to play golf on Dec. 8.  Meanwhile, Whiteface Mountain, probably the coldest resort in NY was able to make snow and open on Thanksgiving, but I don't think it is open now.  I think in my lifetime, I will play golf on New Year's Day in the North Country.  Forget the sledding.

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