Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday push

So far, there is no rush of wholesalers and retailers to buy produce for the holiday season.  If anything, it is the reverse, with customers refusing calls from desperate shippers.  The extended warm weather regime in Yuma has pushed some shippers up to two weeks ahead of their normal harvest schedule.  Unfortunately, sales have lagged behind increased production, leading to a huge glut of unsold lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower and baby lettuce.  Many unsold loads are rolling toward the east coast as I write this and I'm sure the results will be predictable.  At some point, the weather will cool and gaps in the production schedules will appear.  This will be followed by a huge hike in prices at the farm.  Whether the rest of the industry will even care will depend on sales during the next two weeks.  Strap in tightly as it will be a wild ride.

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