Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Wishes

Since produce sales will not be foremost on people's minds this day, let me indulge in a few Christmas wishes.  Truly, let their be peace on earth, and goodwill among men.  Let us feed the poor, comfort the homeless and begin a civil discourse to solve our nation's problems.  Give our elected officials the strength to end our foreign wars and bring the troops home.  Let's deal then with our bloated defense budget and start making strategic cuts that reflect the paucity of challenges to the world's most powerful military.  Use the savings and the broadly based tax increases on those that can afford it to start federal employment programs so everyone can experience the satisfaction of useful work.  Get the economy moving, so these programs become unnecessary.  Control gun registration and ownership with commonsense rules to help eliminate the mass shootings which destroy our nation's cohesiveness.  Finally, let us give thanks this Christmas that we live in this time of vast potential to solve humanity's problems and reslove to realize our commonalities are far greater than the divisions we perceive.  All of our great religions are at their core an attempt to bridge our differences.  Let's give them a chance.  Merry Christmas to all and many more for all of us.

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