Monday, December 3, 2012

Dried Fruits and Nuts

It looks like another bonanza for another undeserving industry, brought to you by President Obama.  After his first election, gun sales skyrocketed as racists stocked up for the coming war with the blahs and browns.  Now, the dehydrated meal industry is gearing up for the coming black apocolypse following the President's second election.  I heard that one bunch of nut jobs in Texas have a fortified redoubt with a year's supply of food (and probably thousands of rounds of ammo) to defend against the godless hordes.  Failing that, their fallback plans involve evacuation in four stripped down school buses which they plan to use like a modern day wagon train, complete with a "circle up" mode where they park in a four square template with heavy duty machine guns commanding the approaches.  Some people have way too much time on their hands.  As if to punctuate this absurdity, I came on a website offering a year's supply of dried food for around $1400.00 (plus shipping and handling).  I to can hole up in a bunker with my dried beef stroganoff as life in these United States goes permanently (or at least til we elect a republican president) to hell.  Bon Apetit.

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