Friday, December 7, 2012

Climate Cliff

With all the pearl clutching and hyperventilation going on about the "fiscal cliff", the impending climate cliff we are heading over is a vastly more dangerous precipice.  According to one study, global average temps could go up by 7 degrees F. by the year 2060.  While I don't expect to be straining the planet's resources at that point, my nascent grandchildren and their offspring will literally be lounging under the palm trees on the NCR (that's North Country Riviera for those who may not follow this blog on a regular basis).  That's definitely the most optimistic take on the effects of climate change for this area.  We are in for a wild ride, even if all governments around the world jump into remediation efforts on a full scale basis this year.  Of course the knuckle dragging science deniers in the US Congress will probably undo the efforts of the rest of the world because free enterprise.  I don't like to be downbeat about the future of humanity, but if I was offered a trip to the future, I would pass on it right now, or at least request a full environment space suit.

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