Friday, September 7, 2012

This and that

The democrats nominated President Obama for a second term last night.  His acceptance speech no doubt caused some (but not enough) republican and tea party heads to explode.  Contrary to 40 years of  denigrating the role of government in our lives, the president made the case for the "hard and necessary work of self government".  This line is the essence of  our shared responsibility for the commonwealth.  Without we the people, government becomes the caricature the republicans would have us believe is the best we can do.  Don't vote, don't participate and you will do exactly what the 1% would prefer.  Government by the few, for the few with the rest of us along for the ride at the back of the bus.  It is not easy to be a self governing people, and my generation is somewhat at fault for not raising America's awareness of its responsibilities.  Perhaps Mr. Obama, the tail end of the boomer generation can repair that omission.  I certainly hope he gets the chance.

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