Tuesday, September 25, 2012


The Jewish religion can sometimes seem incomprehensible to an outsider, especially to those brought up in more rigidly structured faiths like Roman Catholicism.  It seems everyone is an expert and there is no right way to approach the sacred texts.  But they have something that no other religion offers.  The Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur gives the observant Jew an opportunity to make up for a year of screwups.  Or at least to reflect on the transgressions of the past year and plan to avoid them during the new one.   At least that is my interpretation of the day.  As a lapsed Catholic who spent many a terrifying interlude in a darkened confessional, a once a year wrestling match with my conscience seems like a much more civilized alternative.    The one time 24 hour fast is easier than the Ramadan extravaganza the Muslims inflict on themselves, but it serves the purpose of reminding the faithful...of what.   Randy Newman said it best when he put the following words in god's mouth after enumerating a series of natural disasters laying waste to the earth.  Representatives of the major religions ask god what they are doing wrong and what can they do to stop the divine retribution falling on their heads.. God responds  "That's why I love mankind".

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