Thursday, September 13, 2012

Signs of fall

Saw a flock of geese on Sunday (they were flying north, but what the hey) and some stressed trees are starting to turn colors, but the surest sign we are heading for fall is the number of farmers reporting they are nearing the end of their plantings.  Despite the fact we probably have a month of decent weather yet, the early heat has pushed many plantings of lettuce to be ready two to three weeks early.  So it looks like the big push will be over before the end of the month.  It is a bittersweet time, especially when the markets look good.  One thing salesmen hate is to be on the job with little or nothing to sell in a good market.  I stretched the lettuce plantings at home, so I'll probably have lettuce until the end of farmers' market season.  I'll still plant a little more spinach, but other than that it will be cleanup and harvest time in the garden.

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