Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Frost creeps in

A very little patch of white on one corner of the garage roof was the only evidence of frost on the NCR this morning at 6:15 a.m.  We probably had a little more as the sun started to come up, but there will be no damage.  However, not the same story in less favored areas of the North Country.  The head lettuce was frozen 4 leaves deep.  The inner leaves will probably thaw with no damage, but growers will have to peel the top leaf.  Anyone growing cukes or tomatoes in this area is probably done, but because of its suceptibility to frost, there are few if any growers tempting fate this late in the season.  There are many milder areas near Montreal where tender crops can be grown into October.  I'm still waiting for my last planting of spinach for overwintering to break the ground.  There is plenty of work to do, but it looks like little or no chance of further freezes at least til the end of Sept.

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