Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A chance of showers

As one radio host put it, "We've had showers in the forecast many times this summer, but no actual rain".   That pretty much sums up the weather predictions.  It is almost as if the weathermen cannot believe we have not had rain in a month, so make us feel better they put a forecast of showers in.  Today looks like the real deal, but it will be too late for many crops.  The dry weather has provided one benefit.  It has concentrated the taste of corn and tomatoes.  It has been a vintage year for tomato sauce and corn on the cob.  The flavors are intense and redolent of the best imaginings of summer.  The other benefit has been the relative lack of disease, especially the dreaded late blight in tomatoes.  Overall, however, it has been a trying growing season.  I transplanted the last of thelettuce yesterday, and continue to plant spinach and some short season growers such as raab broccoli and radishes.  Maybe if we get some rain today and tomorrow my heart will be back into the game.

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