Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shouting at the radio

I don't normally talk to my car radio, but this election season has inspired more than a few profane monologues in reply to some of the ideological morons featured on my local NPR (Nice Polite Republicans) station.   Today they featured Eric Erickson of Red State, one of the keyboard commandos fighting the culture wars from the standpoint of  the disaffected lower middle class white bigot.  This is a coveted demographic, fought over by Limbaugh, FOX news and the right wing noise machine.  For him to be given the megaphone of public radio to spew his toxic us against them message is at best deplorable.  He seems to feel Mittens should double down on the message he preached to his $50,000/plate supporters, namely 47% of Americans are hopeless moochers who need tough love from their Republican daddies.  Ericson feels Romney needs to own this particular line of BS.  As I  started to question his parentage, I realized this could probably be the final nail in the coffin if only the Republicans will take this advice.  Let's hope for the sake of our future that this morally bankrupt position becomes a well publicized talking point.

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